Great game a few things though
I love this game so much but theres a few things I have a problem with:
Monsterwood: I unlocked it recently so I guess its a thing you have to wait for to unlock. (Maybe when you buy the island it unlocks idk not sure) But I wish the videos gave out more than 1 gem each and there should be more than 2 videos at a time since theres so many monsters that cost 700+ gems. Most of the other offers dont work (and I dont feel comfortable giving stuff out like zip code and street name q-q)
Food for farms: I think the prices for food is a little too high, 75k gold for 3k food and 5M gold for 100k food is a little too overpriced imo.
PvP Arena: The matchmaking is a little unbalanced. I have 2 level 40s and one level 30 I use and sometimes I get paired up/attacked by people with level 50-100 monsters who one shot all my monsters without me getting one chance to attack. Please let us fight those in our league to make it more fair.
But other than these things this is an amazing game! Thanks for reading ^_^
RainbowChocolate about
Monster Legends: Merge RPG, v3.7